Cooker of Deliciousness

Matt Ramsey found us through Instagram and I am so glad he did, his previous knife storage was a mess, and our Bubinga MAX gobbled up his knife collection with room to spare. So thankful that Matt looked into our small business and despite having some fantastic paid partnerships he bought the block he wanted and posted the bellow video, because he really loved it. Thanks MATT!

Matt’s Video about his Bubinga MAX 360KnifeBlock

I didn’t believe America had a food culture – we were a melting pot of lots of other great cultures – but since following @cookerofdeliciousness for 2 years it turns out American is a food style… and Cooker of Deliciousness, my international friends, is THE example of American food culture in all it’s finger-lickin, cheese filled, BBQ and slow smoker cooked… deliciousness.
