Kitchn – This Is the Only Knife Block Our New Tools Editor Can Get Behind

Published Mar 15, 2021, by Riddley Gemperlein-Schirm

A Look at Knife Storage: Strip vs Block

When it comes to knife storage, you’re probably either Team Knife Strip or Team Knife Block. Magnetic knife strips are great: They free up counter space and can even be used for storing more than just knives. However, I’d like to go on the record as part of Team Knife Block. But it’s not those standard knife blocks that I love. No, my heart belongs to only one: the 360 Knife Block. I’ve tried a lot of knife blocks — ones that are impossible to clean, ones that don’t actually fit my knives, ones that aren’t magnetic in spots, and ones that (gasp!) fall over. The 360 Knife Block has none of those issues. Its hexagonal shape and multiple flat sides can fit up to three knives each and accommodate knives of all shapes and sizes — long bread knives and chef’s knives, short paring knives, and wieldy cleavers. It has a base that swivels, so you can spin the block around to grab whatever knife you need (get it? 360 degrees!) and magnets that are strong, but not too strong, so that knives are secure but you never have to forcibly yank one off. And the block’s stainless steel base has a non-slip cork pad that ensures it will absolutely not fall over.

The 360 Knife Block: A Versatile Solution

The 360 Knife Block is meant to last a lifetime, too. I’ve had my knife block for years and its bamboo exterior looks as good as the day I got it. It’s also super easy to clean: I just remove all of the knives and give it a quick wipe-down. If it’s looking like it wants a little more TLC, the company says you can use a butcher block oil like this one, however, mine has never needed it. While the 360 Knife block is pricey, it’s a worthy investment and, in this case, I really do think you get what you pay for: an incredibly well-constructed (handmade!) knife block that’ll serve you well for years and years. While I’ve been quite happy with my original 360 Knife Block, I recently got the chance to try out their super-new MAX model, which is available in walnut, honey bamboo, and ebonized walnut. The MAX has the same rotating base and magnet strength as the original, but is taller and has a straight (not tapered) hexagonal shape, so it can accommodate longer, 10-inch-plus knives. It also has slots on top to store even more knives. “Turns out knife fans will keep buying knives so they want the MAX in addition to the original,” Sara Leggett, the co-owner of Design Trifecta — the makers of the 360 Knife Block — told me. “Several customers blame us for their growing collection of custom/fancy knives.” And it’s true! My knife collection has grown enormously since I got my 360 Knife Block. Because when you have a knife you love, you want to show it off. And when you have 15 you love? Well, that’s when you know you have a problem … just kidding. That’s when you know you need the MAX.